By Jonica
Sweat dripped from my nose as I stared across the room at the tattooed girl. Colorful petals and swirls covered all off one arm and went halfway down the other. A leering demon smirked from the right side of her chest while another gave me the finger from the left side. Both perfectly accentuated the look of disdain on the girl's face. Adding a perfect touch on intimidation to the moment. Her green eyes set in the face of an angel, though. Her face haloed by a frame of shoulder length brown hair that looked fashionably unkempt. A light sheen of sweat was also showing on her smooth skin. The room is very warm. The knowledge that eyes are watching from the dark recesses adds to the sinister feel of the moment.
The coolness of the mats under my bare feet creeps up my body and I tell myself that it isn't fear. It's more like apprehension. Why would I be apprehansive? Maybe it's because I'm totally naked in the middle of a room standing on athletic mats. I know there is an audience, but I can't see them. My attention is supposed to be focused on the equally naked woman in the middle of the room with me. We agreed to do this, although right now I am having second thoughts.
What are we doing besides standing in the middle of an overly warm room wearing no clothes, you ask? Well, to make a long story short, we are being paid to wrestle. Not just wrestle, but to struggle to whatever outcome we choose. The only stipulation is there has to be a clear winner. We draw and we don't get paid. Pretty simple really. The people paying us to wrestle matched us up pretty well. I'm slightly shorter than the tattooed girl. I'm 5'2", by the way. She's probably an inch taller. But we look to weigh about the same. Somewhere around a hearty 110 lbs. I won't bother describing attire, we are both clad only in smiles. Well, smirking demons, in her case. The only real difference is my light brown hair is pulled back in a tight, high ponytail...harking back to my cheerleading days. Oh, her Cees are a little bigger than my Bees. But I have nicer legs. Take that! Bitch!

It takes me just a second to realize we are both holding our breath. A voice out of the darkness asks if we are ready. Both of us visibly jump. Good. She's as nervous as I am. I respond with a quiet nod, but she says, "yes."
I catch an accent. New England, maybe? Maybe even Old England? Australian? I don't get a chance to find out just yet, however. She says nothing more. Our chests rise and fall with sweat glistening on them while we wait. Both of us holding our breath again. After a few moments, the signal is given, and away we go.
I have never been in a competitive wrestling match in my life. I have wrestled, but nothing like this. I have two older sisters and a crazy Cajun mother. Of course I've wrestled. Hell, I've even fought. But nothing like this. The closest I've come was with my Arkansas peckerwood cousin who used to put me in wrestling holds she saw on tv, hold me down, and make me eat clumps of Arkansas red clay. I can't explain how I came to agree to this. I've seen wrestling on tv too. I think I have a pretty good idea how it's done. Maybe this won't end up being a total disaster.
I do have my doubts, however.
As soon as the signal to start is given, a million thoughts rush through my mind. Should I shake her hand? Should I smile? Punch her in the nose? I do none of those things, however. Instead, I fall backwards onto my bare ass with a fleshy thump. My opponent's shoulder slams into my thighs and her arms wrap behind my knees. All she has to do...while I wonder what the fuck to pull on my legs and I am down. Now on her knees, she lunges forward and slams her naked upper body against mine and I'm on my back. Before I know it, she is trying to straddle me.
Do something, dammit! Don't lie there like an idiot!
The though races through my mind, and I realize I'm on my back with my feet braced on the floor. My thighs spread, giving anyone looking a glaring view of my intimates. I quickly close my legs and force myself onto my side. This shifting causes my opponent to lose he balance briefly, allowing me to sit up and shove her away. Lifting my eyes, I am caught by a twinkle in hers. She is enjoying this! I wonder if she has been here before.
While I'm pondering her wrestling history, she lunges at me and catches my head in her arm. Another fleshy smack and I'm on the mat again. This time on my side with my left cheek mashed against the side of her right boob. The right side of my head held steady by her right arm. She rocks forward and her breast mashes against my nose and lips. Grunting, I place my hands on her back and try to shove her off. Curling my toes, bending my knees, bracing my feet, I try to thrust hard enough to get on my chest and get my hands and knees under me. Squirming until I am on my knees, my bare booty wiggling in the air, I push against the tattooed girl's arm while she struggles to keep her balance...and keep my head trapped. But I have a slight leverage advantage now. With one shove and a strong yank, my head pops free. She rolls away from me, and now it's my turn to pursue her.
Before she can turn around, my body slams into hers. My hands snake around her slender waist and my hands clasp. Tightening, I drop to one side and roll over. She crashes down on top of me, and even though this knocks the wind from my lungs, I keep rolling until she is on her butt in a sitting position and I'm sitting behind her. My legs trying to sneak around her sides.
As I lift my legs, my opponent begins pushing on my knees to keep me from locking and squeezing. When it becomes apparent I'm not going to get a scissors on her, I lunge forward and hook my right forearm around her neck. My nose and mouth are so close to the back of her neck that I can literally smell the strawberry fragrance of her bodywash. Her sweat touching my lips causing my body to tingle. My smaller breasts mushroom against her damp back sending a feeling like electric currents racing throughout my body.
For the very first time, I sense desperation in her. My forearm begins tightening on her windpipe and I grab my wrist with my left hand to lock our bodies even closer. I can feel the heat rising off her body. A strange, but not unpleasant, aroma fills my lungs.
Her fingers pry desperately at my forearm while she braces her feet and pushes off bent knees to make me scoot backwards. I wonder what she's trying to do but then it becomes apparent when she lunges back. Her hips lift off the mat and her back arches inversely. I'm lucky I don't catch the back of her head in the nose. As it is, however, I am flung backwards, my hold on her head lost when my back hits the floor. The air in my lungs leaving like a popped balloon.
I lie on my back gasping for air but then there are two hands pushing against my cheeks. Her palm pushes my head back against the mat and holds it tightly while she shim us her his across my thigs and onto my hips. Her bare butt brushes against my tightly shaved mound and I gasp loudly. A lascivious smile flashes across her lips briefly but after a moment, she scoots forward so that her butt cheeks sit on my tummy.
Squirming and bucking wildly, I refuse to let her grab my wrists and thus control my arms. Trying to use my old cheerleader flexibility, I lift my legs and try to hook my feet around her head. This buys me a little precious time because she forgets about trying to grab my wrists...if only for a moment. I drop my feet and push forward as hard as I can with my upperbody. Doing a sit up that actually works thanks to our sweaty bodies, the tattooed girl slides onto my lap. My arms shoot under her armpits and hook behind her back.
Facing each other, her arms slip around me and we start trying to squeeze the air out of each other. My smaller breasts mash with her bigger ones, our wet tummies touching, my tightly trimmed mound grinding against her completely shaved one. Neither of us wanting to give in to the other in this smoldering test of strength. I lower my head and rest it on her shoulder and she does the same. Both of us looking into the darkness, but unable to make out the audience in the inky darkness.
My body tingles from sensations I have never felt before. I can't explain it, but I guess my competitive spirit is getting the best of me. I want nothing more than to pin her to the floor and feel her body desperately struggling under me. I want to overpower her and make her admit my superiority, but that is not to be. After a few moments, I feel her starting to squeeze harder just as my own grip starts slipping.
The harsh lights beat down on our backs, feeling hotter than the sun. Sweat pours off my body, but try as I might I can't keep from being overpowered by her. That strange aroma fills the air again...hard to describe. Almost like a mix of sweat, tears, and something I just can't describe. It grows stronger as our body temperatures rise. A helpless feeling seeps through me as my back finally touches the mats. I am being overpowered.
An overwheming sense of dread begins to overcome me. My arms come from around her back and I push against her chest. The tops of her breasts just touching my palms. But my hands slip and you plop down into me with a wet, fleshy thud. Pinned under you, my hips wiggling to keep her from hooking my legs with yours. But it's inevitable. Soon I am grapevined, and completely under her control. As evident from the wicked smile on her face.
I can't begin to describe how humiliated I feel right now, but this is tame compared to what happens next. And over the course of the next several minutes.
I will never forget the feeling of her hot flesh pressing against mine. It's incredible how something can be embarrassing and erotic at the same time. I close my eyes tightly and try to imagine being anywhere but here. A warm, wet sensation, however, brings me back to reality. I open my eyes and I'm mortified to find her licking my cheek. No matter how much I squirm and writhe, it just seems to excite her even more. She begins grinding her hips causing our mounds to brush against each other. There is nothing I can do about it because I am completely trapped. I turn my head back and forth because it seems to be the only part of my body I can control. However, she simply licks my other cheek. Soon I tire of this game and I lay under her whimpering until she has caressed every inch of my face with her tongue. Tears slide down my cheeks, and she laps those up, as well.
Starting to sob, she stops and raises off me. I open my eyes hoping she is done, but she is only getting started. She lifts her knee off me and kneels at my side. Wrapping my ponytail around her left hand she yanks me into a sitting position. With a giggle, she pulls me onto my knees then to all fours. Yanking my ponytail like a leash, she leads me around the room like a dog. Starting to get angry, I buck up and push her, but she simply yanks my ponytail and boots me in the ass, causing me to fall forward, chin first onto the mat.
Fireworks explode in my head as pain shoots into my jaw. Stunned, I offer no resistance as she pulls me back to my hands and knees and continues to parade me before the unseen audience. Tears spilling down my cheeks onto the mat with each humiliating step. After a few minutes she tires of this and leads me to the middle of the room. Dropping to her knees beside me, she slides her right hand down my hip and onto my butt.
The sound of her hand hitting my bare ass resonates around the room. With a jerk of her left hard, she yanks my head back painfully. Yelping, I stare into her eyes as she leans over me.
"There has to be a winner, babes."
I finally place her accent. British. She's English. She sharply twists my ponytail and rolls me onto my side. Pushing with her freehand, she shoves me onto my back. Laughing, she keeps my head trapped, staring at the ceiling. Lifting her hips, she positions her knees on either side of my head trapping it. Balancing her naked ass over my face, she starts lowering herself into position. My hands shoot up but it's too little too late. I smell that odd aroma once again then I start to scream as her sweaty cheeks touch my face. My nose sliding into the crack, her crotch positioned over my mouth...which I now can't close.
My feet kick, my hands slap her bare hips and thighs. My hips buck and squirm, but I'm trapped and there is nothing I can do about it. I can't even bite her because my mouth is stretched open. To add insult to injury, she begins grinding from side to side. I catch an occasional yip from her. OMG! She's enjoying this!
Her soft butt works over my face and her hands occasionally tweak my nipples or playfully poke my belly. I feel her body tense all of a sudden and her breathing stop. OMG! I scream but it's lost in her ass then I am awash is a bitter, humiliating flood. The shock washes down my cheeks and over my nose. Even down my throat, causing me to choke but all I do is suck her flesh deeper into my mouth. Spasm after spasm comes then finally a blissful peace overcomes me and I start to slip into peaceful darkness. But my tormentor stands up and poses for the invisible crowd, her barefoot resting on my chest. With a leering smile, she looks at me one last time then disappears into the darkness. I'm left lying in a smear of sweat, tears other body fluids. After a few minutes, I compose myself enough to get up and leave the room. The paycheck is very good, but I have to wonder if it was worth the humiliation.
Lovely story , Have much enjoed this