Jamie’s Song
By Jonica
Chapter 1
Her ponytail bobbed on
the back of her head and sweat ran down her back. The late evening
Mississippi sun beat down on the bare flesh at the back of her neck and
shoulders. Her white t-shirt was sodden and sticking to her skin.
Jamie is one of the only inmates at the Northwest Mississippi
Correctional Facility who is allowed to own a sports bra. These were a
luxury afforded prisoners here when they still had exercise equipment.
That was before an inmate’s throat was crushed in a horrific accident
where a barbell fell across her throat. Of course, Jamie is also one of
the inmates who has been around NMCF long enough to know that
‘accident’ was an intentional act. However, that led to the removal of
exercise equipment from the facility. Hence, there was no reason for
the facility to offer sports bras.
Jamie found other ways to
keep in shape, though. The prison yard was just big enough…if she ran
along the fence line as close as she dared…for her to make a self-styled
running track. Year in, year out, for six years, Jamie ran. She would
stop in the middle of her running only to do some push-ups, sit-ups,
and stretching exercises. Over the course of time, she wore a path
around the prison yard that became known as “10538’s Path,” which was
Jamie’s official Mississippi Department of Corrections inmate number.
has been here for 15 years…or more specifically, 14 years, 364 days,
and 12 hours. Her parole begins in a little over 12 hours…and she is
terrified. This is the only home she has known for 15 years…..15 years
of dryness, soberness, and loneliness. When she was 18, Jamie entered a
prison cell and has looked at the inside of one for all of her adult
life up to this point. Jamie’s journey to adulthood came in a
drug-induced haze of violence and savagery. That night is still a
foggy, almost dreamlike memory. She has nightmares where she holds a
gun to a young woman’s head while forcing her into the trunk of a
car…her boyfriend holding a young man at gunpoint in the front seat of
the same car. She dreams about holding the gun to the young man’s head
as her boyfriend drove them to an ATM machine in the southern suburbs of
Memphis. She remembers watching her boyfriend whip the young man with
the pistol until he gave up his PIN number. She will never forget the
$60 dollars the ATM machine spit out. She will always remember the
price of her freedom for the next 15 years as being $60.45 cents: the
money from the robbery, and the $.45 the bullet lodged in the young
man’s skull probably cost.
Jamie got lucky. She agreed to
testify against her boyfriend in exchange for the 15 year sentence
without the possibility of parole for 15 years. In court, she testified
that she watched in horror as her boyfriend took the young man to the
bank of an overgrown ditch, and she watched as he shot him once in the
side of the head. After that, she testified, they drove to the casinos
near Tunica, MS., and attempted to carjack a Cadillac in the parking
lot. However, their luck changed there. The owner of the Cadillac was
an off duty police officer. He shot her boyfriend in the chest, thus
ending their criminal career. All that time, Jamie testified, she and
her boyfriend forgot about the woman in the trunk of the other car.
Police found her…dehydrated but otherwise unharmed…during the
investigation. After that, she sat in a Tunica County jail with a
pending murder charge looming over her head. The other charges have
already come down: Kidnapping, especially aggravated robbery,
aggravated assault, attempted carjacking, and the pending murder charge
that could earn her a trip to Mississippi’s death house. Fortunately
for her…and her boyfriend…the young man clung to life and made an almost
full recovery. The murder charge never came. She avoided the
attempted murder charge by accepted the plea deal to testify against her
boyfriend. 25 years for kidnapping and especially aggravated robbery.
There would be no chance for parole for the first 15 years.
incarcerated, Jamie was a model prisoner. She earned her GED and later
a BA in arts from a local college. She is one of the very few
prisoners in MDOC who have earned a four-year degree. When the time
came for her first parole hearing, her crime was basically forgotten.
The woman in the trunk had moved to California, and the boy with the
bullet lived with his family in Florida. The man who shot him…Jamie’s
boyfriend…would not be eligible for parole until he has spent 32 years
in prison. He’s the one they were most interested in keeping.
her hands on her knees, Jamie let the hot May sun beat on her back.
Her sweat soaked shirt sticking to her skin. She was alone in the
yard. Everyone knew she was getting out tomorrow, so the staff gave her
time in the prison yard by herself. She would be segregated from the
general population so that no one would get any ideas and attack her in
an attempt to ruin her parole. Prisoners could be petty like that. Why
should anyone get their freedom while they were still locked up? Jamie
had to be careful.
Jamie took one last look around the prison
yard. This will be her last run around the perimeter…she hoped. She
would do what she had to do to make sure it was. Her new life would
begin tomorrow. Jamie was scared. Life for a convicted felon is
hard…to say the least.
Jamie finally goes inside and the
correction officer allows her to shower. She peels off the sweaty
clothes and lets the hot, steamy water wash away the sweat, grime, dead
skin, and the last 15 years of life in prison. Another inmate comes
into the shower, and Jamie tenses to see what will happen. Their eyes
meet through the haze of steam, and Jamie remembers how she felt the
first time she walked into the showers here at NWCF. The girl looks
terrified. I guess that explains why she is segregated. Jamie returns
her attention to the hot water and closes her eyes.
Chapter 2
sun wasn’t shining the next day as Jamie stood at the bus stop in
Greenwood, MS. The bus was late…delayed by the May thunderstorms
rumbling through the area. The sky darkened as another round, more
intense than the last, rumbled into the small city in the Mississippi
Delta. Jamie thought of her family. Her father was never a part of her
life, so she gave him little thought. Her mother, on the other hand
was always around. Her mother was a mother in name only. She was a
drug-addled prostitute. She gave birth to Jamie’s half-sister on the
day she was arraigned. Over time, however, Jamie’s mother found Jesus.
She gave up the drugs and the men. She found a legitimate job and she
actually did a pretty good job raising Jamie’s half-sister by working
the nightshift at as an IHOP waitress in Gulfport, MS. Her mother
disowned her. It’s hard enough for a single mother to raise a child
without having to worry about the one gone bad. However, Jamie’s little
sister found out about her anyway. They have been pen pals ever
since. Over the course of the last 15 years, Jamie has lived for only
one thing: the day she will finally meet her sister. She has seen
photos, but she can’t wait to actually lay eyes on her in person. That
day is finally here. She is so excited that not even a tornado-warning
siren a block away can dampen her spirit!
The bus ride is long,
and the weather remains atrocious, but she finally arrives in Gulfport
sometime after midnight. To her dismay, no one is there to meet her.
Her sister said she would try to get her mother to come, but she could
make no promises. Apparently, mom was not swayed by the thought of
seeing her first born.
With a sigh, Jamie walks down the dark
street toward a string of motels and casinos lining the Gulf coast. She
has approximately $375 on her. She needs a place to stay to rest
before beginning her new life of freedom.
She finds a
relatively inexpensive motel, and she collapses on the bed without
removing her clothes. She wakens to a stream of sunlight pouring in
through the open restroom. When she looks at the clock, she sees it is
way past five in the afternoon. She slept for almost 15 hours! The
rest of the evening is spent with futile attempts to reach her sister.
No luck. As a matter of fact, the next three days are spent the same
way. Jamie’s mother would never allow her sister to send their
address. She only had a post office box number. The address is
unlisted. The search has turned up empty, and Jamie is running out of
Chapter 3
Life for a convicted felon is hard.
Finding a job is almost impossible. Not even McDonald’s will touch
Jamie. Not with her record. Every job application she fills out asks
for her criminal history. Jamie is trying to be a honest person. The
applications are always denied. Her parole officer actually takes pity
and sends her to a few businesses that may help. Unfortunately, they
don’t have anything. It’s a tough economy. As a side note, Jamie did
manage to get her sister on the phone. They agreed to meet the next
day. However, her sister no-showed, and when Jamie called the number
again….she got a message that the line had been disconnected.
outside was supposed to be very different. Looking back, Jamie isn’t
sure what she should have expected, but she didn’t expect overwhelming
depression. She’s down to her last $50 and she is getting hungry. If
she doesn’t find a job soon, she will be unable to pay her parole
officer. She will be back in prison in no time. She considers hopping a
bus to New Orleans, where the job market might be better, but her
sister is in Gulfport, not New Orleans, and she isn’t supposed to leave
the state.
Mired in a funk and loneliness that matches the one
she felt during the long, lonely nights of her incarceration, Jamie
finally collapses on a city park bench and puts her head in her hands.
Tears flow between her fingers and a taboo thought enters her head. The
thought begins to really take seed, and in her current condition, Jamie
seriously considers suicide for the first time in 13 years. Of course
there were times she thought about it until she acclimated to
institutional life, but this is the first time she has seriously
considered it since she was 20. Such was her desperation and despair.
flow between her fingers. She is crying so hard now that she can’t
control herself. Her shoulders lift and fall with each choking sob.
All the memories of the last 15 years come flooding back: The years of
drug abuse. The robbery. The shooting. God, how she wishes she could
turn back time and right all the wrongs.
Crying so hard and so
long, Jamie does not see the middle-aged woman wearing black approach.
She doesn’t sense anyone near…such is her despair…until the woman speaks
softly to her, “Cry it out. You’ll feel better afterwards.”
jumps at the sound, but the voice is so soothing she actually feels a
little comforted. A warm hand caresses her hair. Jamie has always been
a guarded person, but this time she actually feels safe. Almost like
when one of the better correction officers was on her housing unit. She
knew nothing bad would happen that day.
Jamie doesn’t even
resist when her face is pulled to the stranger’s shoulder. She smells
clean fabric and a light whiff of perfume hits her, but nothing feels
dangerous. She continues to let the stress of the last 15 years pour
from her. Finally, the tears begin to dry and she develops a bad case
of the hiccups. After awhile, she is able to catch her breath and she
sees the stranger before her.
The older woman is dressed in a
fine dark blue pantsuit. Her hair is perfectly coiffed, and her
expensive jewelry shines in the bright Gulf sunlight. What is she doing
in this downtown park talking to a convicted felon? Jamie wonders to
herself, but something about the stranger puts her at ease. The woman
smiles and simply says, “You can tell me about it, if you wish. I am a
good listener.”
For the next hour and a half, Jamie bared her
soul to a total stranger in a city park. She held nothing back.
Nothing. Not the drugs. Not the robbery, nor the shooting. She told
the stranger about her sister, and her futile attempts to find her. She
told her about her attempts to get a job. She even told the woman
about the thoughts of taking her own life. When she was finished
telling her whole life story to someone she doesn’t even know, Jamie
fully expected the stranger to quickly make an excuse to get away from
her. However, before she knew it, she was riding in the front seat of a
late model Cadillac heading for a home on the coast in Pass Christian.
Two days later, after being fed and allowed to rest, Jamie showed up at
the address the older woman provided her. It was a restaurant in
downtown Biloxi owned by the woman’s son. She walked in expecting a job
interview. She wasn’t expecting to be handed an apron and ticket
book. Four hours of training later, and Jamie was waiting on her own
customers. The woman’s son turned out to be as friendly as she was.
got a little money and after some time, the woman’s son, Phillip,
helped her get an apartment in Biloxi. For the first time in 15 years,
her life was looking up. However, Jamie still hasn’t seen her sister,
and the pain is becoming evident. She would work double shifts just to
get her mind off her sister. The phone number never reconnected. Every
attempt to find a new one was a dead end. The hole in Jamie’s life
kept getting deeper and deeper. Even though she was free, she was still
Chapter 4
A few weeks into her new job, Jamie
was called into her boss’ office. She has gotten to know him fairly
well, and she feels pretty comfortable with him. She knows he is
happily married, so she doesn’t feel threatened in that way. She enters
his office and sits across from him. He has a very kind smile, but
there is something in his eyes that makes her a little nervous, but she
still doesn’t feel threatened. She is just grateful to finally be
making her own way.
“Jamie, you have become my best waitress. In
a short period of time, you have developed a pretty good clientele
here. Many come in and immediately ask for you.”
Jamie smiles
shyly, not sure where her boss is going. It almost sounds like she is
about to get a promotion. A raise in pay would certainly be welcome.
“I have a new job proposition for you. A woman with your looks could make a lot more money that you ever would waiting tables.”
he says this, his eyes drift down her thighs and back up again. For
the first time in weeks, Jamie feels nervous around this man.
“Sir, I…”
boss must have picked up on the sudden nervousness in her voice, and he
holds his hand up to cut her off. “Jamie, you are a beautiful woman.
How you managed to stay so youthful and vibrant under your circumstances
is amazing. The world is your oyster, and this could be the first
Jamie’s mind races as she tries to process what he is
telling her. What is he going to ask her to do? She will never
prostitute herself. For one thing, that could lead back to prison. For
another, she wants to live a life of honesty and integrity from here on
out. No, she will do nothing illegal.
Again, her boss must read
what she is thinking in her eyes. “Jamie, what I am going to ask is not
illegal. I would never ask you to do anything that would compromise
your freedom.” Jamie sighs, but keeps listening intently, “But this is
an opportunity to really better yourself. For you….and your sister.”
she is hooked. “We found her, Jamie. Your mother will not let her see
you, but we think if you can show you can take care of yourself without
having to rely on someone else, she may have a change of heart.”
leans forward, now intent on every word. “Your sister is sick. She
needs a kidney transplant. That’s why you can’t reach her. She’s in
the hospital in New Orleans. They are looking for a donor.”
“I-I-I have to go there….” Jamie begins, but her boss raises his hand to cut her off again.
mother has told the staff not to let you in. She told them you are on
parole. She will have you arrested for crossing state lines.”
Jamie sobs once and puts her face in her hands. Tears sting her eyes as the hopelessness of the situation hits her.
“Jamie. You have a chance, though. If you accept my offer.”
a moment she keeps her head in her hands and cries. After a few
minutes, however, she lifts her eyes and says, “I’ll do anything.”
Her boss sits back in his chair with a smile and says, “Perfect.” Then he outlines his plan.
Jamie walks out of his office 15 minutes later, not believing what she just agreed to do.
Chapter 5
next night, Jamie walks into a seedy, rundown warehouse near the docks
in Gulfport. A steady rain is falling outside, but it can’t match the
storm in her soul. She still cannot believe what she has agreed to do.
Maybe she really has lost her mind. She consoles herself by saying at
least she isn’t prostituting herself. She carried a small bag filled
with only the items she was told to bring.
Taking a look around
the parking lot, Jamie couldn’t believe the number of cars there.
Surely they aren’t here for this, she thinks to herself. She rolls her
eyes and walks to the door she was told to go through. When she opens
it an absolute gorilla of a man meets her! He has to be at least 6’8”
and weighs somewhere in the neighborhood of 340 lbs. At least! He’s
obviously a biker. He has all the hair, tattoos, and patches…including a
One Percenter patch. This guy is the real deal. However, Jamie has to
bite her lip to keep from laughing when he talks, “Right this way,
ma’am.” His voice is that of a prepubescent teenager. She looks at the
rippling muscle under his hair and has to gulp though. He is huge! He
seems harmless enough, however. She still tries hard not to laugh out
The giant leads her to a small room with a table, some
chairs, and a sofa. He tells her there is a shower through the far
door. She looks at him and he smiles, “No one will bother you. I
promise.” He blushes as he makes his little promise, and she almost
laughs again, but she is positive she will be safe in here.
slowly begins removing her clothes until she is completely naked. She
covers her breasts with her arms even though she is certain no one is
watching. Taking a towel from her bag, she follows the instructions her
boss gave her. The bathroom is out of place. It would fit in the
finest apartments in the city. Jamie steps onto the cool tiles and lets
the hot water stream down her body. She scrubs and scrubs until she
feels the warmth soak into every pore. She washes her hair and steps
out of the shower wrapped in towels. Drying her body, then her hair,
she stands before a steamed over mirror and brushes her hair because
this is her nervous habit when she is thinking. Jamie is scared. She
is more worried than she has ever been in her life.
After a few
minutes of brushing her hair and worrying, she looks at the clock and
sighs. She has to get ready. She gathers what she was told to wear
from her bag, and dresses. Then she begins doing something she is good
at: She starts stretching and warming up. She feels this will come in
handy when the real festivities begin.
Jamie stretches and does
some light exercising for about 15 minutes then she hears a knock on
the door. Her heart almost stops as she looks at the clock. It’s
time. She takes a deep breath and reminds herself that she is doing
this for her sister. She pulls her brown hair back into a tight
ponytail and opens the door. The giant is standing there with a
sheepish smile. “It’s time,” he says, and Jamie has to bite he lip to
keep from laughing. She nods and they begin walking down a dark
The long hallway is cool and dank. There is
relatively little light, so Jamie has to walk so close to the giant that
she fears she will bounce off him if he stops abruptly. She actually
does run into him when he stops at a door. She starts to apologize, but
he beats her to the punch, “I’m sorry, miss.” He says almost like an
impish child. Jamie is too nervous to laugh now, though. She simply
replies, “It’s ok.”
The giant turns to her with his hand on the
door handle, “If they get out of hand, I won’t let them hurt you. They
can be assholes sometimes,” he says with utmost sincerity. Jamie looks
up and simply says, “Thank you.” She is sure he means it. The giant
nods then turns the handle. Light pours into the recess and Jamie sees
what may be her destiny.
Chapter 6
The interior of the
warehouse is huge! It has been stripped of all mechanical equipment and
replaced with rows of seats along three sides. Another few rows cover
the fourth side and all face a central point. It is toward this central
point Jamie and the giant head. A huge overhead light glares down on
that point, but Jamie really can’t see what it is shining down on
because all the seats are occupied. She feels hundreds of eyes on her
as she walks behind the giant. There is no applause. Nor is there any
booing. As a matter of fact, there are no sounds except for that of a
hundred people breathing. Their eyes gaze at her curiously. She walks
with her head down, not wanting to meet any of those eyes. Jamie has to
constantly remind herself this is for her sister.
They finally
reach the outside of the central point of the room, and Jamie gets her
first good look at it. It looks like a horse pen surrounded by a wooden
fence. It isn’t very large….maybe 25 ft by 25 ft. The floor is a hard
wood washed very clean. It looks like it was recently mopped.
Recently as in the last five minutes. In the middle of that ring stands
a young girl of maybe 18 or 19. She is dressed almost exactly like me,
except the oversized t-shirt she is wearing is black with a New Orleans
Saints logo. Her eyes look at me with curiosity…and maybe a little
Jamie forgets about the crowd for a few minutes and
returns the blonde’s curious start. How did she get here? Is she like
me? Jamie ponders if this girl is any different than she was at 18. Of
course there are physical differences. This girl is at least 5’7 and
weighs probably around 130 lbs. Jamie is close to that height at 5’6,
and she weighs a healthy 120 lbs, thanks to all the running she did in
Of course there was the age difference. Jamie is at
the most 15 years older than this girl, but Jamie is pretty sure she is
in better shape. However, there is no indication that will mean much in
this situation. It doesn’t hurt, but Jamie saw many fights over the
years she was in prison. The fat girls usually did pretty well. In the
few fights Jamie was in, she lost badly to a heavier, out of shape
girl, won another one, and probably would have lost the third if
officers hadn’t shown up.
However, this isn’t prison, and this girl looks like she is about to jump out of her skin.
“Welcome ladies.”
nearly jump out of my skin when I hear the familiar voice and it snaps
me back to reality. I start at my boss, Phillip, who is standing
between the other girl and me. He is looking back and forth at both of
us, and he has a warm smile on his face.
“Ladies, I would like
to introduce you to each other.” He nods at the young blonde. “This is
Leslie. Leslie is a waitress at a casino in Gulfport. She’s been in a
few catty fights back when she was in high school. Nothing serious.”
He smiles and nods at Jamie. “Now, this gentlemen is Jamie. She is a
manager at my restaurant in Biloxi.” Jamie’s eyes cut to him. A
manager? That’s new. “She recently moved to Biloxi from,” Jamie
cringes because now everyone will know she is a convicted felon, “…the
northern part of the state, near Memphis.” Jamie visibly relaxes a
little. “She’s a little older than Leslie, and she has been in more
than one fight.” He steps back leaving Jamie and Leslie facing each
other and says, “Now ladies, please shake hands and good luck.”
and Leslie look at one another with the same curiosity they have had
since their eyes first met. They shake hands, but Leslie pulls her back
a little quickly. She is scared to death. Jamie thinks she can use
this to her advantage. Or maybe it may make all the difference for
“The rules are simple, ladies,” Phillip says from the
outside of the ring. “Fight until one of you cannot continue. We have
already discussed the rewards. There is a lot to be gained for the one
who earns it.” A quick glimpse of his face shows a wolfish smile, “You
may now begin.”
Chapter 7
Jamie watches as her opponent
steps back and removes her black Saints t-shirt. Underneath she is
wearing a red bikini with American flags that she obviously bought at
Wal Mart. Jamie knows it came from Wal Mart because she almost bought
an identical one. Jamie is now glad she opted for a black one with
white hibiscus prints. The girls simultaneously kick off their
flip-flops. Jamie feels the cold, hard wood under her feet…the swabbing
of the floor still evident under her bare feet. The odor of a strong,
industrial cleaner hangs in the air. Jamie watches Leslie closely and
sees that the girl looks like she might bolt and run if she says so much
as, “Boo!” Leslie is a real beauty, but she has evidently had a rough
life. That much is evident from the multiple cuts up and down her
forearms. She has either tried to kill herself a few times, or she
was/is a cutter. Multiple tattoos cover her upper arms and her
shoulders. There’s even a tribal thing imprinted on her upper left
arm. A pretty black rose is prominently displayed on her right breast.
Her stomach shows slight evidence of stretch marks. Seems Leslie might
be a mommy. Jamie saw enough stretch marks, living with inmates, to
know a mommy when she saw one. However, the blonde isn’t as soft as she
first appeared. Her arms are toned from long nights of carrying drink
trays to intoxicated assholes at the slot machines. Her legs are lean
and strong looking from all the walking she has done crossing the casino
floor. She probably has good balance from much practice keeping those
drinks on her tray while gamers cheer wildly or cry desperately. The
ancient blisters on her feet tell the story of the long nights on her
feet. This girl has had a rough life. Jamie thinks of her own sister.
Will she turn out like Leslie? That is, if she survives her
affliction. A dark anger fills Jamie’s throat when she thinks of the
unfairness that has befallen her sweet sister. That anger turns to
hatred for life in general. A red, hot steam fills her mind just as
Leslie’s first punch slams into her jaw.
Jamie’s head snaps
violently to the right and she nearly goes down to one knee. The crowd
finally makes noise…erupting into cheers and derisive comments aimed at
one...or both…of them. Leslie tries to follow the opening punch with a
follow up left jab, but walks straight into a flurry of punches and
Jamie gets her balance and sees the second punch
coming. She keeps her head low and plows forward under the punch right
into the blonde’s sternum. Her fists pound out two fast punches that
land right between the blonde’s smallish breasts causing her to
backpedal. Jamie keeps chasing her across the ring and finally against
the rails. The blonde hits the hard wooden fence with surprised yelp
just as Jamie rifles a hard jab at her face. The punch snaps the taller
girl’s head back as if on a hinge, but she shows she still has some
fight in her. She is frightened after all, but as any dog owner will
tell you, the most dangerous animals are the ones who are backed into a
A tiny drop of blood falls from the blonde’s lip as she
shoves against Jamie and locks her arms around her opponent’s back like
a boxer. Jamie takes a few steps back, herself, then braces her feet
and begins hammering short punches into Leslie’s sides. Each blow
brings a little grunt from the blonde’s lips that would be cute under
any other circumstance. In this one, though, they tell Jamie the
punches hurt. The blonde presses forward, though, pushing her smaller
opponent backwards until Jamie stumbles over her own feet and crashes to
the floor. The blonde stumbles and falls on top of her.
two women then clench their arms around each other and roll back and
forth across the hardwood floor. The room echoes with thumps and bumps
as their elbows, knees, hands, and heads make contact with the floor.
Jamie never thought Leslie would put up such a hard fight. Maybe her
prison attitude was carrying over even on the outside. While
incarcerated, life becomes a game of hunter and prey even for women. It
is possible to avoid this game, but it is very difficult. For the most
part, Jamie managed to stay on the sidelines. However, it took a few
well-timed punches and some vicious hair pulling. In the end she walked
out of prison with her head held high, and her dignity somewhat
The bigger girl braces her hands on the floor, and the
rolling comes to a stop. This is bad for Jamie because Leslie is
straddling her foe. The blonde begins to throw wild punches into the
older woman’s head, chest, and shoulders. Jamie brings her arms and
hands up for defense, but many of the wild blows find their mark. One
right jab, in particular, rocks Jamie’s head back so hard that it thumps
off the floor behind her, leaving her dazed. Staring at the blonde as
she keeps punching and punching, Jamie considers giving up. This is
getting painful! However, she thinks of her sister and the desire to be
with her becomes too great. Phillip never said he wouldn’t help her if
she lost this fight, but Jamie really doesn’t want to take that
chance. She has to get to her sister. That has become the rallying cry
of her life!
Jamie’s feet slap the floor and she bucks her
hips as hard as she can in an attempt to force the bigger girl off. She
becomes a constant blur of motion as she struggles to get from under
the younger girl, even with punches raining down on her hands and arms.
Finally, she gets lucky when she strikes out with a wild slap. The
slap, itself, doesn’t find it’s mark, but her thumb catches Leslie in
the eye. The bigger blonde’s hands go to her face, and Jamie hammers a
hard right into her foe’s unprotected tummy. She simultaneously bucks
her hips causing the bigger girl to lose her balance and tumble onto her
Jamie comes up as fast as she can in a blur of hands and
feet….punching and kicking at her stunned opponent. The bigger girl
squeals and tries to roll away, but Jamie grabs her bikini bottoms and
pull as hard as she can. The thin material rides up into the younger
girl’s butt crack causing another squeal that, in turn, causes the
audience to erupt in laughter. This infuriates the humiliated Leslie
and she drives her elbow back into Jamie’s breastbone with such force
that it knocks the fast approaching brunette onto her butt.
lands so hard that she fears her tailbone has chipped. She rubs her
chest and tries to catch her breath; all the while the big blonde is
bearing down on her. Leslie gets to her feet and walks deliberately
forward. One of her eyes has a dark ring forming under it, and her
lower lip is puffy, but she isn’t bleeding any longer. As she
approaches the stunned older woman, Leslie raises her foot and stomps
down on Jamie’s shin.
scream reverberates around the room. The audience is now sitting in
stunned silence watching the spectacle in front of them. From the time
Jamie first laid eyes on the younger girl, Leslie hasn’t said a word.
Not one. She starts talking now, however.
“You’re fucking dead
you old bitch.” Her voice would be sweet under normal circumstances.
An image of her taking a drink order flashes through Jamie’s
shell-shocked mind. “And what can I bring you? We have Bud Light on
tap, Michelob in a bottle….”
The calmness in Leslie’s eyes as
she makes one statement makes Jamie’s blood run cold. It doesn’t help
that as she’s talking, she is grabbing Jamie’s ponytail and yanking so
hard that Jamie is forced to go onto all fours to keep her neck from
snapping. With her left hand wrapped in the ponytail, she can use it as
a lever to guide her victim wherever she wants to go. In this case,
she twists so hard Jamie is forced to look down. Her chin touches her
chest. Then Leslie draws her right back and begins slamming well-aimed
punches into the back of Jamie’s head and neck…each one causing the
brunette’s teeth to rattle.
Jamie sags to the floor. Her
sister’s voice echoes in her head, and it seems to be getting farther
and farther away. Tears drip onto the hardwood floor. Jamie senses her
sister has slipped through her grasp. She has no doubt she will be
tossed to the wayside following this disaster. Another punch sends her
sprawling to the floor. Dirt and grime stick to her sweaty body. She
can’t focus. The pain has made her numb. Leslie lets go of her hair
and drops her knee into the small of Jamie’s back with such force she
nearly loses control of her bladder! “Nhhhhhh.” She grunts weakly.
She lays on the floor with tears streaming down her cheeks. She has
failed. She has failed her sister. The one person in the world who
depends on her, and Jamie has failed her.
Leslie’s bare toes
tickle Jamie’s cheek, smearing the tear. “You done, bitch?” She asks
in her barmaid voice. No response comes, so she pushes her toes into
Jamie’s cheek, causing her mouth to open in a nasty grin. “I asked you a
question? Are you done?” Jamie’s eyes focus on the blonde’s toes.
She recently had a pedicure. One of the things you become pretty good
at in prison is judging foot size. That way you know whom to befriend
so you can get their boots when they leave. Prison is complex and
simple at the same time. Leslie has pretty big feet…probably an 8…maybe
8 ½. They are cute feet too. That’s another thing one finds herself
judging in prison: feet. Jamie has fond memories of the long, cold
nights she spent locked in an 8x12 cell with her roommate…and part-time
lover…Amanda. Amanda was in for armed robbery. She too made some very
poor choices. She too was young. Amanda liked to run too. She is
probably still tackling the 10538 Trail. Amanda had the smallest toes
Jamie had ever seen on an adult. The two of them spent many long,
lonely nights caressing and massaging each other’s feet. There are some
memories from prison Jamie will look back upon with fondness.
ball of Leslie’s foot pushes on Jamie’s head again, “Answer me and I
won’t hurt you anymore.” Leslie’s voice now carries a hint of
laughter. Then her foot slams down between Jamie’s shoulders, driving
her chest into the floor, knocking the wind from her again. “I said
answer me bitch!” Leslie apparently has a cruel streak.
of prison brings back the memory of things Jamie wanted when she was
finally granted her freedom. All she wanted was a family. As a matter
of fact, that is all she has ever wanted. In prison, Amanda was her
family. Out her, she has none. Her sister is slipping from her grasp
more and more each day. She closes her eyes and the words come to her
lips. She is ready to give up. But then she thinks of her sister lying
in a New Orleans hospital, dying. She has wanted nothing more than to
see her. Now she wants nothing more than to see her once. Just give me
one chance.
“What was that?” Another kick slams into her shoulder blades.
Jamie grunts, but her eyes pop open. She hasn’t been angry since she
was 18. There is no reason to be angry when you are facing 15 years
looking at cold, gray walls. She did that to herself. No reason to be
angry then. But she has a reason to be angry now. She locks her eyes
on those toes with the perfect pedicure. Anger surges into her throat
and grows hot as it washes into her face. For the last 15 years, Jamie
has had nothing to focus on except finding her family. Now she has
someone to focus on for the short term. The one person who seems to be
standing between her and the opportunity she has wished for over those
last few years. She focuses on those cute toes…so long and perfect.
They are painted a very cute shade of hot pink. I guess the color is
coral. Then those toes seem to tense and they grip the floor. Jamie
times it for a second then pushes her hands against the floor and does a
perfect pushup.
Leslie’s foot comes down for another stomp,
but she is still just starting the motion and the pushup catches her off
guard. She loses her balance as Jamie’s upward motion changes the
plane of her foot. When she tries to lower her leg, it lands on Jamie’s
side. The older woman is turning toward her and that makes Leslie get
further off balance. Then Jamie lashes out with a wild kick at Leslie’s
balancing knee.
“Aggghhhhh!” The blonde screams, as her knee
is suddenly hyper extended backwards. The sole of Jamie’s foot pushing
against the kneecap with such force, Leslie actually drops like a rock
onto the hardwood floor, face first. Her head thumps and she signs once
and goes limp.
The frustration, desire, and yes, the anger, of
the last 15 years overwhelms Jamie. She grabs the fallen girl’s head
and slams her face first onto the hardwood floor so many times Jamie
loses count. Rolling her victim over, Jamie straddles her chest and
pins her victim’s upper arms with her knees. For the next minute and a
half, she rains punches from every angle down on the barely conscious
blonde until she stops moving. Tiring of this, Jamie gets to her knees,
but she grabs Leslie’s hair…pulling her onto her side. As she stands,
she forces the blonde to get to her knees. Leslie obeys and hangs her
head limply. Her lips move as if she is trying to speak, but the words
do not come. Although still angry, Jamie looks at her boss. He has a
smile, but he says, “Finish her, Jamie.”
That simple sentence can
mean so many different things, but Jamie only registers one: End this
now, or forget about ever finding your sister. Jamie yanks the blonde’s
head up and draws her right fist back. As she rockets the punch at the
beaten girl’s jaw, she drops to one knee to get even more force behind
it. A funny thing happens, though. Leslie finally opens her mouth to
speak…probably to ask for mercy…or at least that’s what Jamie later
thinks. However, her mouth opens at the wrong time.
punch slams onto Leslie’s lower mandible with such force she can feel
the crush of the bones. She will never forget the look of shock and
horror on the blonde’s face as she crumples to the floor unconscious
with her lower jaw hanging at such an odd angle. Jamie sits down
heavily beside her victim, just staring….her unbelieving eyes staring at
her handiwork with her own horror. The room is so quiet she hears a
strange hissing and feels something warm on her foot. When she looks
down, she gasps and shoves the beaten girl away from her with her
feet…recoiling violently from the growing pool of urine. The crowd
actually laughs at this sight! They think Jamie is making fun of her
victim. They couldn’t be farther from the truth. She caused this. For
the second time in her life, Jamie is the source of someone’s misery.
Suicide looks like the most viable option.
Chapter 8
giant finally enters the pen and helps her to her feet. He leads her
down the long dark corridor to her dressing room. She sits and stares
at the walls of her new cell for at least an hour. Tears flow down her
A knock on the door brings her back to reality. Wrapping a towel around herself, she lets Phillip into the room.
“You were a hit,” He says dispassionately.
“H-How is s-she?” Jamie asks, her voice quivering.
“She’ll survive. That was quite a punch.”
His blasé attitude infuriates Jamie. “Please take me to my sister.”
“In good time. Your next fight is a week from today.”
Jamie looks at him in shock. “Next fight? I’m not doing that again!” She states flatly.
the first time in the short frame she has known him, Phillip frightens
Jamie. That tends to happen when someone grabs you by the throat and
you nearly black out. Phillip’s hand clamps down tightly. “You made me
a lot of money tonight. That won’t change. What would your parole
officer think of your new career?” The threat isn’t even implied. If
her parole officer found out about Leslie, she would spend the next ten
years in prison.
Phillip lets go of her throat with a shove.
As she staggers back, Phillip flips an envelope to her. “I almost
forget. Here’s your pay. Good night’s work.” His sweet smile returns
and it’s like the previous two minutes never happened. “See you
tomorrow. Let Robbie know if you need medical attention.”
that, he is gone. A glance in the envelope tells Jamie she just earned
more money than she would make in three months at the restaurant. What
of that poor girl, though?
A warm shower takes care of many of
the aches and pains of this night, but her mind keeps coming back to the
Leslie and her jaw. Hot tears sting her eyes when she opens her door.
“Robbie?” The giant’s eyes move to her shyly when she says his name.
“Take me to the hospital.” Without a word, Robbie complies.
that night, Jamie finds the room. She spends the next 15 hours sitting
with Leslie, holding her limp hand and whispering over and over, “I am
so sorry.” She didn’t believe she could ever run out of tears.
the next day…after she finally nodded off…a grip on her hand wakens
her. She looks up into Leslie’s blue eyes and gets another squeeze of
her hand. The look in those blue eyes tells her she is forgiven.
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