The businessmen who created The Arena are in a quandary. It seems some of their fighters are refusing to come back after some obviously bad mismatches. The Arena is in danger of losing some of its best young talent…and most beautiful combatants. The problem started after a 20 year old named Sierra was humiliated by a girl twice her size. Sierra did come back for another blind draw match, but she didn’t fare any better. She was beaten unconscious after a ten minute pounding from a 40 years old marathon runner. Rumors are that another of the prettiest girls who has fought in The Arena also isn’t planning on coming back. Brittany started her combat career against one of the most formidable girls…albeit one of the smaller ones…and has lost rather badly in two other matches since. The businessmen set The Arena up to be competitive, but they also wanted the most beautiful women they could find as combatants. Brittany and Sierra are two of the most gorgeous they have found. Losing them would be a definite blow.
Breaking their own rules, the businessmen decide to make a last ditch effort to convince these two girls to stay. They will double the payout and winner’s bonus for one match. They would appease the rest of their fighters by doing the same for two of the better wrestlers at a later date. The event would coincide with The Arena’s one-year anniversary. The businessmen also announce that they will raise the payout and winner’s bonuses for all the fighters following the event in hopes off keeping the ones they have and attracting more willing participants.
But first Brittany and Sierra would have to be convinced to return. The chairman of the board, himself, decided to contact the girls and coax them into coming back. Both were understandably reluctant, at first. Although they aren’t told whom they would fight, they both eventually agree to return after they were convinced their opponent would be a peer in age, size and experience. Both girls are naturally competitive, and neither really wants a goose egg in the wins column. Besides, both of them need the money, and the bigger payday and larger winner’s bonus sounds intriguing. They both announce they will fight, and a date and time are set.
The businessmen are all ecstatic over the decision. They understand they must have perennial winners and losers for The Arena to succeed. But they also understand they won’t get “jobbers” unless those are allowed to succeed on occasion. Giving up a little more money to the combatants won’t break them, and the larger winner’s bonuses might make for better fighting.
Like always on fight day, the combatants are picked up by a discreet vehicle and driven to the secret location. They enter the house through different entrances and are escorted to their dressing rooms. Both girls are apprehensive…they remember their past beatings. Neither wants to lose. Neither has tasted the thrill of victory, and both are thirsty for it.
Since she has been in fewer matches, Sierra is introduced into the combat area first. Sierra is a stunning 20 years old beauty with long, straight light brown hair with blond highlights pulled back in a ponytail. She stands 5’6” and weighs around 120 lbs. Her gorgeous sky blue eyes accentuate the face of an angel. She isn’t necessarily athletic, but she is in shape. She walks several miles each night before work and she lives a Vegan lifestyle. Her skin is smooth and pale. She has no tan to speak of because she works nights. Like the other two times she has fought in The Arena, Sierra reveals she will fight in bikini bottoms only. The red bottoms are the kind, which ties on each side, and they show off her long, lean thighs.
Brittany is introduced next. She is a lovely girl who also stands 5’6” but she carries about five more pounds than her opponent. The green-eyed doll is showing her playful side tonight by wearing her shoulder length chestnut hair in pigtails. The 21 year old was a cheerleader in high school and she still sports her athletic body and deep tan. She teaches gymnastics to keep in shape, and she is proud of her long, smooth, muscular stomach. She loves to show her flat belly and long shapely legs off when outside. Tonight she has chosen to fight topless as well. She will do so wearing only a lime green colored thong.
The “referee” (who doesn’t enforce rules…there are none in The Arena) calls the two girls to the center of the padded carpet floor and tells them to prepare for battle. Both have butterflies in their stomach, but neither wanted to opt out. The concept is intriguing. When asked, both said they were ready. The “referee” then gave the signal to begin.
Since neither has had much success…actually any success, they are a combined 0-5…they circle and eye each other cautiously. Neither wants to make an early mistake that could cost them the match. After a brief stand off, the two beauties lock up collar and elbow in the center of the room and struggle to gain control. Since they are so close in size and experience, neither girl can manage to gain the upper hand in this tie up. They grunt and push for a minute, then one decides she should take control.
Sierra releases her grip in the tie up and moves quickly to her right. She snares her opponent in a side headlock and twists her to the ground. Once down, Brittany begins bucking and writhing wildly in an attempt to throw Sierra off before she can really lock the hold in and force the issue. As Sierra tries to wrestle Brittany’s head under her right side, Brittany pushes her right hand under Sierra’s chin and pushes her head backwards. After a moment, the struggling Brittany uses this leverage…and her wild bucking…to slip out of Sierra’s grasp. Both girls quickly roll up onto their knees and lock up in another collar and elbow tie up. But instead of wasting time and energy, Sierra goes back on the offensive by slipping down under Brittany’s outstretched arms and wrapping her own arms around her foe’s chest. Sierra uses her momentum to force the pigtailed girl onto her back.
Brittany knows she can’t let Sierra get on top of her, so she wraps her legs around the brown haired girl's torso and forces her onto her side. Sierra is still gripping the former cheerleader’s upper chest and back, but Brittany is now squeezing the air out of her with her powerful legs. Sierra has to do something pretty quick, so she releases her hug and wraps both of her fists into Brittany’s pigtails and yanks backwards. Brittany yelps in pain and relaxes her legs enough for Sierra to slip out of the scissor hold. However, Sierra keeps her grip on Brittany’s hair and forces her onto her back. Once her opponent is flat on the floor, Sierra drives her knee hard into Brittany’s exposed belly.
Sierra’s blow knocks the wind out of Brittany’s lungs, and the chestnut haired girl tries to roll onto her side. But Sierra still has her fists wrapped in Brittany’s pigtails. She wrestles Brittany back onto her backside then straddles her. She plops her round butt right on Brittany’s bare chest. Sensing victory is at hand; Sierra begins telling Brittany how much she is going to enjoy her win. As Sierra talks to her, Brittany’s struggling becomes wilder and more frantic. She bucks her body, but she can’t thrust too much because of her rival’s grip on her hair. She writhes side-to-side trying to dislodge the sitting girl, but Sierra isn’t budging. Brittany’s struggling begins to subside and Sierra feels as if the match is hers. The chestnut haired beauty goes completely still. Sierra smiles and leans down to look into her opponent’s face. She doesn’t want to miss the look in Brittany’s eyes at the moment of submission.
Sierra asks Brittany if she is ready to give up. Brittany sighs; heaves with one mighty upward thrust of her chest and arms, raises her legs, and snares her feet and calves in front of Sierra’s face. The shocked Sierra releases the brunette’s pigtails and grabs at Brittany’s legs. But Brittany already has them locked, and with one downward thrust she forces her opponent off her. Brittany rolls away and stands up. Sierra isn’t hurt, but she is very surprised at her rival’s resilience. She too stands up, and they both glare at each other from a short distance while they catch their breaths.
After a short pause, the two girls stand up straight and walk toward each other. They walk into each other body to body. Their noses and breasts are mashed together. Both girls snake their arms around each other, lock wrists, and squeeze with all their might. Sweat is starting to glisten on their backs and their hands are starting to slip from perspiration. The only sound in the room is their harsh breathing and grunts of exertion…and occasionally sharp yelps of pain and even growls as they apply pressure. The match is now at a stalemate. It has become a test of wills, strength and endurance.
Both girls now appear at the point of exhaustion. The room is hot, and their sweaty bodies pressing together are creating enough heat to melt the polar ice cap. But neither is ready to give in. Even without the cash prizes and payouts, both girls know they will continue to fight in The Arena after tonight. Neither has felt more alive than they do right now. Even at the point of exhaustion, they know they love this feeling. There is no better feeling in the world than being in a physical contest with another woman. Even though neither has tasted victory, both know that when they do it will be the sweetest taste they will ever know. The struggling of their bodies against one another has given them a sensation they know they will come back over and over just to feel again. And if they win, they know they will momentarily be on top of the world. But, alas, one has to win, and one has to lose. Therefore, even at the point of exhaustion, the struggle to win becomes all they know.
The audience is sitting in rapt attention. Never before has their been a struggle this intense in this forum. Most of the audience members haven’t moved since this clench began…several haven’t breathed. No matter the outcome, the businessmen know this match has been a profound success.
The clench continues as sweaty body presses against sweaty body. Both girls are having trouble with their slippery grips and after what seems like an eternity Brittany loses hers. Sierra takes advantage and presses her foe so close to her that Brittany cannot relock her hands. But Sierra is tiring too. She knows that she isn’t squeezing hard enough to gain a submission. Sierra starts rocking her body and flings Brittany hard to the floor. She moves in to take advantage of the downed girl, but Brittany rolls away from her grasp. Sierra has the advantage because she is on her feet, but Brittany slides away on her butt whenever Sierra approaches her. One wrong move from one girl could cost her the fight. Sierra decides to try and outflank her opponent and get behind her. Her plan is to lock on a rear chokehold and finish her foe. She feigns right, but then changes direction and lunges back to her left. Brittany is caught off guard, and Sierra does get behind her. But before she can lock on her chokehold, Brittany half raises and pushes backwards into Sierra’s body. Sierra catches the full force of the lunging Brittany and is knocked off balance. As she falls backwards, Sierra doesn’t realize how close the wall is to her and she hits it full force…knocking the wind out of her and striking the back of her head. She collapses in a dazed heap on the floor.
An exhausted Brittany sees her foe strike the wall and she slowly moves in for the kill. Sierra knows she must clear the cobwebs out of her head or the match would soon be over. She shakes her head and the fog begins to lift, but not before she realizes that her head is being forced between Brittany’s thighs. The now standing Brittany, reaches her fallen opponent just as Sierra rose up on all fours. Brittany straddles her rival’s head and neck, grabs her flailing foe’s wrists and forces them behind her back in twin hammerlocks, and rolls onto her side bringing the trapped beauty down with her. Once on the floor, Brittany rolls onto her butt and locks her head scissors at the ankles.
Sierra squirms and struggles mightily, but her strength is quickly escaping her exhausted body. Brittany is squeezing her neck and head so hard that Sierra feels like her brain will soon pop like a pimple out the top of her head. There is a roaring in her ears that can only mean she is starting to black out. To add insult to injury, Brittany still has Sierra’s arms trapped behind her in twin hammerlocks. To increase Sierra’s discomfort, Brittany pulls each arm across each other to their farthest point. It feels to Sierra that her straining shoulders are being ripped apart. Even though it is now inevitable, Sierra holds on a little longer. But before she fades completely out, she whimpers her submission.
Brittany doesn’t hear the submission because she is concentrating so hard on causing enough pain to force her opponent to quit. She doesn’t realize she has won until the “referee” taps her on the shoulder. The victorious girl releases her victim and allows her to slump to the floor. Brittany stands and raises her hands. For the first time she can bask in the glory of victory in The Arena! The thrilled…but tired…girl soaks in the moment.
Sierra is completely defeated. She gave it her all against an evenly-matched opponent...and lost. But she isn't as heartbroken as she could be. She realizes how close she came to misstep cost her. She knows she can win without the mistakes. And she hopes she'll get a chance to prove that to herself soon.
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