Kyla is also a natural beauty. Her long, naturally curly blond hair frames the face of an angel. She has the most startling blue eyes imaginable. She also has the body of a goddess. She stands 5'7" and weighs a shapely 125 lbs. She is also a natural fighter. Being the bitch she is, she had to learn early to protect herself. To go along with her vicious personality, she is also a black belt in Taekwondo. She learned the fine art of catfighting from her Hispanic maid…who, coincidentally, is the only woman to have beaten her in a catfight.
Many say that Kyla is a little crazy. She believes she probably is too…most likely because the voice in her head that tells her what to do is it that of her Hispanic maid. The voice directs her in her everyday life, in her brutal hobby, and in her violent degradation of her victims.
Ever since beating Jessie, Kyla had been in somewhat of a funk. She had enjoyed hurting her rival so much that she wanted to recreate that feeling. It was such a rush! But she didn’t know what to do to satisfy these urges. Then she heard about a little club set up by a group of locals in a neighboring town. The group consisted of young men from the area who paid girls to fight for their amusement. They welcomed all comers, and they paid well. They charged a cover fee for entrance to the fights that they used to pay the fighters. They recorded the fights then sold DVDS to make their own profit. The venture turned out to be fairly lucrative. All Kyla had to do was show some interest, sign a medical waiver, sign a written agreement to be filmed, and she was on her way. So far, she has had five fights in the club. She is one of only two unbeaten girls who have had more than three fights. The other unbeaten girl is her Hispanic maid. She has won four fights. Both women know that a showdown is inevitable, and both secretly hope it’s soon.
Even with the success she has had in the club, Kyla cannot control her bitchy nature. She can’t help but taunt her opponents, humiliate them, and try to destroy them both physically and psychologically. These traits haven’t endeared her to the other girls who fight regularly. But the audience loved it! The club founders, though, were tired of having new talent run off, and they have made no secret that they want to see Kyla humiliated. A pro-style wrestler was even brought in for one fight to beat Kyla. But Kyla had other plans. She used her martial arts skills to viciously beat the wrestler, and then the voice told her what she should do. She forced the beaten woman walk around the room on all fours like a dog while using the pro's hair as a leash. The embarrassed pro left, without her paycheck, and never returned.
But today, the club founders thought they had finally found someone to cut their most popular fighter down to size. And this one looked like a sure bet. Her name is Megan. Her friends call her Meggy. Her detractors call her Mega. Meggy is 5’7 and weights 450 lbs. She has fought twice in the club, and both had been easy wins. One victory lasted three minutes. The second only lasted two. Both were knockouts. She would have had three matches, but one girl refused to fight her and left the property. The club founders thought Meggy would be the perfect person to teach Kyla a lesson in humility.
The ever cocky Kyla never wondered who her next opponent would be….the voice would direct her. All she worried about was how she would show off after beating her victim. She would show up not knowing whom she would face next until she walked into the room. That was fine with her. The only person she really feared was her maid. That bitch had made her lick her feet after beating the crap out of her! So Kyla wasn’t worried today. Her maid had been hard at work when she left home…she only fought on her days off.
So Kyla wasn’t particularly worried when she arrived at the old farmhouse that the fighters use as a dressing area. She wasn’t worried as she she walked to the converted grain silo the fights were held in. She wasn’t worried when the crowd laughed and jeered as she approached...they only did that when they thought she was gonna lose. And she wasn’t worried about the upcoming fight….until she saw her opponent. Then a little worry crept into her eyes. She stopped dead in her tracks and just stared at the large woman standing in the center of the room. The voice laughed at her (Bahahahaha…).
The room, itself, is fit to the contours of the old grain silo. It is ingenious in design…it is large enough to have a fight, but it is small enough for three rows of seats to have been built into a platform one floor above the fighting area. The floors are covered with pads, and the rounded walls are covered with durable foam rubber. The room is perfect for fighting. And the crowd can see all the action from there seats above.
Today the crowd is rambunctious! There is an electric like feeling in the air…almost a bloodlust…brought on by the fact that their queen is about to get smacked off her pedestal. They jeer Kyla for stopping just outside the door. (You cheap fucking little coward…does the water buffalo scare you?!) The fear she initially felt is quickly replaced by a smoldering fury. She is incensed that the club founders were going to make her fight a fucking ‘water buffalo!’ She decides to herself that she was going to find a way to win this fight…and humiliate this fat bitch…just to shut these assholes up! She walks into the room and stretches in preparation for battle.
Meggy is already prepared. Her long brown hair was pulled back in a pony tail, and she was wearing a red tanktop and blue jean shorts. She had no shoes on because kicking was allowed. Kyla faced Meggy wearing a pair of blue nylon and spandex running shorts and a white sports bra. Kyla was also barefooted. The size difference between the two was staggering. Most of the audience had already placed their bets and victory for Meggy was a foregone conclusion.
The signal was given to start the fight, and Kyla (…use your speed, stupid…) crouched and moved slowly to her left. She thought that if she could use her speed advantage to stay away from this monster (….the beast is fat and slow…); she could wear her down then easily beat her. As she moved, Meggy stayed in one spot and tracked her by turning her body. Kyla quickly moved back right, and drove a shoulder at the large woman’s belly, but she was met by a massive forearm across the crown of her head that dumped her straight onto her butt! (Bahahahaha….)
The crowd erupted in wild cheers when Kyla hit the floor. She sat in bewilderment for a couple seconds (…get up stupid…) then scrambled quickly to her feet and away when the big girl moved towards her. Kyla quickly regrouped and tried to quickly outflank her foe by darting behind her then going for her legs. As she dove toward the back of Meggy’s massive thighs, she realized the huge woman had already turned to face her! Before she could stop her momentum, a huge knee in the center of her chest met her in full stride. The blow staggered her and she flopped to the floor on her side. When she landed, the big girl rushed her and drove another knee hard into the small of her back! Now lying on her stomach, Kyla realized she had underestimated her opponent! This girl can fight, and she could fight well! (…you are such a worthless little slut….)
Sensing victory was at hand, Meggy grabbed Kyla by the hair and yanked her over onto her back. The she dropped all her weight on the fallen girl’s prone body. Kyla let out a gasping scream as all 450 lbs crushed her flat to the floor! Meggy stood back up and pulled the defenseless Kyla to her feet by her hair. She punched Kyla once…twice…three times in her smooth, toned belly. Kyla doubled up a little more with each blow (…this fucking cow is killing you….), but she felt she had to do something or this ‘fucking cow’ was gonna beat her to death! She did the only thing she could think to do…she raised her foot and viciously drove her heel down onto the top of Meggy’s foot! The big girl yelped in obvious pain, but she didn’t release her grip on Kyla’s hair. Instead, she stepped back and yanked Kyla’s head toward her. Kyla lost her balance, and Meggy quickly stepped back and dropped to her knees….dragging Kyla face first into the floor! (…you worthless little weak tramp…) Meggy quickly moved all her weight forward and trapped the facedown girl’s head between her thighs and pressed her knees together. She was effectively sitting on Kyla’s head but most of her weight was on her knees and heels. She released Kyla’s hair then calmly whispered to the trapped girl, “I’m gonna break your leg for stomping on my foot. No hard feelings, ok?” Meggy then slams her fists hard into Kyla’s back several times before standing up. (…you deserve having your butt kicked you stupid slut…)
Once on her feet, Meggy grabs both hands full of Kyla’s hair and drags her to her feet. The big girl whips the smaller one across the room and slams her back first into the wall. With a loud “oomph,” Kyla strikes the wall then falls to the floor. Meggy walks over to her, lifts her foot then cruelly drives it heel first onto Kyla’s shin. Kyla screams in pain as Meggy repeats this stomp two more times. The badly hurting Kyla tries to scoot away from the massive girl, but Meggy wraps her hands deep in her foe’s curly blonde hair and drags her across the padded floor. When she gets to the center of the room, Meggy yanks Kyla to her feet, places one leg behind the smaller girl’s legs, and pushes her backwards…while still holding her hair! Kyla’s agonized scream echoes off the padded walls and can even be heard back at the old farmhouse. (Bahahahaha…) Her scalp feels as if it is in flames and her neck muscles sting from being strained to the limit. Meggy releases her victim’s hair then steps back to survey the damage. After a few seconds, she says, “Oh yeah, I almost forgot. We have to do something about that leg.” With that, she walks around the fallen girl, reaches down and grabs one leg by the ankle, pins it to the padded floor, then drops her knee firmly on top of it! Once again, Kyla’s scream can be heard all the way out to the old farmhouse…and beyond. (…you are so weak little one…I hope she makes you clean her toes….)
Fearing her leg may now be broken, Kyla rolls into a tight ball to protect herself. (…that’s it, coward!…) Her opponent drops to one knee beside the fallen girl, leans over and asks, “You ready to give up?” Now Kyla is a bitch, but she’s a proud bitch. Some say she’s also a little crazy….maybe schizophrenic. (…just quit you weak little bitch….) When asked to quit, anger ripples though her pain-wracked brain and a red-hot fury builds in her chest. Even though she is hurting worse than she ever has in her life, Kyla looks the big girl in the eye, manages to raise the extended middle finger of her right hand up to Meggy’s eye level...even though the effort almost makes her black out...and says in a pain-filled voice, “Fuck you, Orca! You’ll have to kill me before I submit to a smelly fat piece of trash like you!”
Meggy is shocked at Kyla’s response! Then she gets pissed at this tiny fucking whore’s insolence! In anger, she grabs Kyla’s outstretched middle finger and twists until she hears an audible pop! (Bahahahahaha…) Kyla inhales sharply in agony, but before she can scream, a hand grabs her by the throat. Another hand grabs her roughly by the hair and she is hoisted to her feet. She tries to put weight on her injured leg but she cries out and nearly collapses in pain! Meggy releases the grip on Kyla’s throat and slaps her so hard spittle flies across the room. Kyla is now almost out on her feet, but she feels herself being tossed across the room where she hits the padded wall with a dull thud. She braces herself up with the wall and her one good leg, but her world is now spinning out of control. (…she is going to finish you now ignorant one….) She knows defeat is inevitable, but she will refuse to give in. She sees her foe preparing to charge her and smash her against the wall, but she is powerless to stop the inevitable. (…you are so weak….) She musters all her remaining strength into one last insolent smile, looks at her tormentor, and screams, “C’mon you fat fucking bitch! Is that all you’ve got!” (Bahahahaha…)
Once again, Meggy is totally shocked by Kyla’s terse response! Anger now clouds her mind and she thinks to herself, “alright if the stupid cunt wants to die, I’ll accommodate her.” She charges head on toward her swaying victim full force! She plans to leave nothing but a bloody smear on the wall where Kyla is standing. As she steam rolls toward her foe, Kyla’s pain-filled brain registers the threat, but she is locked immobile. (…you are dead little one…) She is powerless to stop this onrushing force. Meggy runs with all the speed she can muster to smash her victim with all her weight. But just before she reaches the teetering girl, Kyla finally goes limp as her pain-filled world collapses in on itself. She drops to the floor in a semi-conscious heap. Meggy sees what has happened but she is now moving way beyond her control! Although she steps on the fallen girl, she cannot ease up enough to avoid colliding face first with the wall! She didn’t even have enough time to raise her arms in defense. Meggy’s head hits the wall with a sickening thud, and her body crashes so hard the whole silo shivers around her! The audience is totally stunned as the big woman staggers for a moment then falls back to the floor. She lands flat on her back with a thump and moans softly.
The two injured fighters lay still for a while, and the club owners begin to wonder if they should call it a draw and send in medical personnel. The only sound in the room is the ventilation system, the buzz of the lights, and the hoarse ragged breathing of the combatants. But before the club owners can make up their minds on which course of action, (…now is your chance stupid…) Kyla starts stirring. She is still trapped in a foggy haze, and all she can feel is pain. The worse pain she has ever felt. She begins to question whether or not she even survived the final blow. (…finish her….) Clarity slowly creeps back into her eyes, and she stares at her fallen opponent in bewildered amazement. As the fog slowly lifts, and she begins to understand what happened, Kyla tries to take advantage, but her body simply rebels. Meggy starts to stir, and still Kyla cannot move! (…she will come for you….) The big girl is now trying to sit up, but Kyla’s body refuses to cooperate. Fearing the huge girl will get up and really subject her to more torment, (…get up coward!!!) Kyla calls on deep reserves and sheer will to make her body do as commanded. As if in a dream, she sees herself slowly rise to her feet, stagger over to her foe…who is now lying lazily with on her elbow…(…hurt the fat bitch…) and drives the heel of her foot into the side of Meggy’s head. Kyla shrieks in pain when she realizes the contact was solid, but she kicked the big girl with her broken leg! (Bahahaha…you are so dumb!!!) She nearly blacks out again, but she calms her breathing and slowly staggers to her fallen foe. (…finish her! NOW!!!) Kyla manages to straddle the giant girl’s massive torso and she drops to her butt in the middle of Meggy’s chest. She grabs the big girl by the hair, lifts her head, and drives several punches into the still groggy girl’s face, head and neck. (…that is it little one…you have learned well…NOW FINISH HER!!!) She hits her foe until there is no resistance at all from the big woman. With pain slowly overtaking her, Kyla manages to stand erect and place the foot of her broken leg on the big girl’s face. She tries to raise her arms in a victory pose, but she is just hurting too damn bad. (…make her lick your ass…) She looks at her fallen foe for a moment. Members of the audience shift uneasily as they remember how Kyla humiliated her other beaten foes. But this time Kyla simply staggers away from her defeated opponent. She badly limps out of the silo and heads for the farmhouse. She collapses and sinks into a dark haze before making it ten feet. (Bahahahahahahahaha….you stupid little piece of trash….)
Hours later, Kyla wakes up in a hospital bed. Her father is sitting beside her bed. She is obviously on some heavy-duty pain medication. She can also see that her broken leg has been set and her twisted finger is in a splint. When her father notices she is awake, he stands and places his hand gently on his daughter’s cheek. He says, “Honey why do you keep doing things like this?” She tries to reply, but nearly blacks out from the effort. Her father continues, “The girl you got into a fight with is in here too. She has a pretty severe concussion. Your leg has a hairline fracture. You’re gonna have to have surgery on your finger.” She looks at him and again tries to reply but can’t. A nurse enters the room and starts administering more fluids into her IV. She feels the drugs coursing through her veins again and a warm dark veil descends over her. The last thing she hears is her father telling her that he is going to sign the papers to have her sent away for psychiatric treatment when she’s released from the hospital, then he walks away leaving just her and the nurse in the room.
(….hello bitch….)
As he is waiting for the elevator, a blood curdling scream comes from the direction of his daughter’s room. He runs that way and enters her room just in time to see several other nurses and orderlies wrestling his daughter to the floor...away from the nurse who was in her room! The nurse is curled up in the fetal position with blood flowing between her fingers that were held tightly to her nose. He cannot believe what he is seeing…or what he’s hearing. His daughter is screaming at the top of her lungs for someone…or something…to get out of her head.
Author's Note....
The concept for this story came from my good friend Sumo Sized. The fight was purely her idea. The rest was mine. The Kyla character is also in my story The Set Up. I was asked once why I hate her so badly. Its not that I hate her....I just don't like her very much.

If you like this story, please stop by and thank Sumo Sized for the concept and her contribution. If you didn't, blame me because I let a great concept and scenario go flat.
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
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